The Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament was founded in 1862 to honor the Presence of Our Lord in the Sacrament and to promote appropriate preparation and devotion to the Holy Eucharist.
At the heart of the Christian faith lies the Blessed Sacrament of the altar. It is at the altar that the outward and visible sign of God’s inward and spiritual grace is conveyed by means of Christ’s Body and Blood. Here we share in the divine life through the gift of God’s Son, Jesus Christ. Associates of the Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament strive to promote reverence for Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist through the witness of their lives and words, through prayer and teaching. They undertake to pray for one another at the Eucharist and to make careful preparation for the Holy Communion, including the observance of the Eucharistic Fast (in accordance with modern custom) and the use of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. The Confraternity also provides grants of vessels and vestments for celebrating the Eucharist and reserving the Blessed Sacrament to poor parishes at home and abroad.
Ours is a devotional society which promotes careful attention to Preparation before and Thanksgiving after, every Communion. Its members are encouraged to make one or more of the following at every Eucharistic celebration they are part
The membership consists of Bishops, Priests, Deacon and Communicants of both sexes who are practicing Catholics and members
I. The Honor due to the Person of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament of His Body and Blood.
II. Mutual and special Intercessions at the time of and in union with the Eucharistic Sacrifice.
III. The promotion of the observance of the Catholic and primitive Law of receiving the Holy Communion fasting.

IV. To Communicate, or at least to be present, on Sundays and the greater Festivals and other Holy-days, when the Holy Eucharist is
V. To promote, by all legitimate means, frequent and reverent Celebrations of the Holy Eucharist, as the Chief Act of Divine Service.
VI. To
VII. To give careful attention to Preparation before, and Thanksgiving after, every Communion.
VIII. To Communicate at an early Celebration.
IX. To make, at every Celebration, one or more of the following Acts —
Of Faith.
Of Adoration.
Of Spiritual Communion.
Of Thanksgiving.
Of Reparation.
Of Intercession.
Of Prayer for the Visible Unity of Christendom.
X. To make Acts of Spiritual Communion, when deprived of the opportunity of receiving the Holy Eucharist.
XI. To make Offerings for the due and reverent Celebration of the Holy Eucharist.