Join the Confraternity
Dues are $15 per year and members are expected to make Offerings, according to their ability, to the General Fund of the Confraternity, and to provide for the publication of the Intercession Paper by an annual subscription. Life membership is $100. Members are also encouraged to join the Parish Ward, or if there is not one, to register with the nearest Ward in the area. A sterling silver medal bearing the seal of the Confraternity may be purchased for $50. The Manual can be purchased for $5. If you are interested in supporting this important work of prayer and witness please make your application to the Secretary-General.
I, ______________, being a practicing Catholic, and a *Bishop, Priest, Deacon, Communicant Member of or in Communion with, the Episcopal Church, do request to be admitted a Member of the Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ,
*Erase the description not applicable to the Candidate.
I,______________, being a member of a Christian Church not in direct communion with the Episcopal Church, do request to be admitted an Associate of the Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ, and do hereby concur in its Objects, Rules, Recommendations and Laws.

The Reverend Robert Armidon
For additional information about joining the Confraternity, please contact The Reverend Robert Armidon.